Qifu Umbilical Cord Blood Biotechnology

The first "Beneficial Microbes Museum" in Taiwan
Bionin Biotechnology, INC. has always been the main supplier of probiotic raw materials in Taiwan.
The team members of the company are microbiology experts from Taiwan, the United States, and the United Kingdom. They focus on the development of nano-biotechnology products, and applying them to health food, skin care, personal hygiene products and preventive medicine products.
First Beneficial Microbes Museum

The Origin of Beneficial Microbes Museum
The name "Junbaby" is a homonym of the Taiwanese pronunciation "very precious", which implies the meaning of "treasure" . The original intention of the establishment is that the general public is still ignorant, even repelled and fearful of the ubiquitous microbes around our lives. We hope that through the establishment of the Beneficial Microbes Museum, everyone can have a better understanding of the microbial world, and at the same time understand that,In the natural environment, not all bacteria are necessarily bad, and there are also various bacteria are beneficial to humans.

Brand theme
In line with the brand tenet of "probiotic microbes : externally - skin microbial maintenance, internally - the prevention and health of the human body by probiotic microecology", the pursuit of learning, experience, and happy life is the attitude of life, creating a "experience probiotics" the new brand image of health.
Through bio-fermentation technology, marketing integration, and market demand, the pursuit of health food and health product ingredients is easier for the human body to absorb and utilize.Creating a subject with scientific education and health concepts - Beneficial Microbes Museum.